Why use this site instead of another ?

The Storytellers Store has been designed in conjunction with publishing and production professionals. Many of the manuscripts sent to publishers or film producers are never read, either because they do not meet the expectations of professionals, or because they arrive at the wrong time or in too many people.

The idea here is to reverse the process by making available to professionals a more representative set of what is written.

So, the costs are greatly reduced for each party and the dialogue between them is greatly facilitated.

You are a professional : Rather than reading dozens of randomly sent manuscripts, you can directly access the authors' projects and thus choose the ones you want to read upstream. If a project pleases you but seems embryonic, you can propose to the author a rewriting scheme or a cooperation; you can also, with his agreement obviously, take up the main idea and have it developed by others; you can still, via the directory and advertisements, launch calls for projects that authors can respond to and thus feed a network of authors truly representative of human diversity... Everyone will benefit from this greater interaction and in the long term, if you make it a working tool, the Store of Story Inventors will act as a nursery of literary, theatrical and cinematographic creation, guaranteeing for all enriching meetings, productive and high-quality projects.

You are an author : In addition to avoiding the costs of manuscripts, the first interest will be to test a project before any writing directly to the reading committees who regularly consult the Store and thus to limit the work to loss. If, for example, the deposit on the site does not cause any reaction then perhaps it is necessary to get back to the work or abandon the idea! The second interest will be to reach a large number of professionals (publishers, producers, actors, directors, theatre directors...) without having to contact them individually. Small publisher, for example, are too often neglected by authors and thus struggle to find works worthy of publication. By the Store, all structures, regardless of their importance, have access to authors and vice versa.

Moreover, the filing of a project on this site marks its birth and existence. A receipt will be provided for each story filed and will thus be valid in the event of litigation or plagiarism. It should be remembered, however, that, according to the Intellectual Property Code, an idea is not "patentable" in itself, only the realization of that idea is the property of its author. So it is not the idea of the project that belongs to you but the treatment you propose, the narrative form, the plan, the characters and the plot. So be specific in your projects, detail the drama and avoid submitting unstructured vague ideas, especially if the text is still in writing or to be written to order.

Last advantage of this site and not least: the world of writing will be less compartmentalized! Everyone will have greater visibility, will have access to what is written and will be able to better situate themselves in relation to trends and modes, The authors will avoid redoing what has already been done and especially the cooperation around the projects will greatly improve the quality of the works, for the benefit of all, including readers and spectators.

Finally, the Storytellers community will go far beyond this site by spreading the passion for writing all over the planet.

Tournage C.B. DeMille

Author - Professional