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Proposé par Alice S. le Mon, 02/08/2021 - 08:36

Martin Lessort, an official at the controls Ministry, is passionate about «Babylon», a 3D online virtual game. Despite the warnings of Loumia, his girlfriend, he gradually sinks into dependence. Virtuality takes precedence over a much less captivating reality. But how far is he willing to go to triumph over the enigmatic ancient city ?

The peace of Damocles

Proposé par Théo le Thu, 02/04/2021 - 23:34

Who is Boris Nadov ? This man who, by dint of wanting to live, died so many times... The ephemeral poet of the «Chemins de Basseville», the revolutionary lost in his century or a world child, orphaned one evening of November 1989 ?



The last days of a Legend

Proposé par Alice S. le Fri, 01/29/2021 - 02:14

December 1936, Mermoz disappears in the South Atlantic with the seaplane the South Cross. Accident or assassination ? Few months ago, he joined in the nationalist movement of colonel De la Roque, « les Croix de Feu », which fight the Popular Front. After the victory of the Front in June 36, the popularity of the airman become troublesome…


Proposé par Théo le Thu, 01/28/2021 - 02:16

Amarto, a famous Parisian writer, finds himself one day on the shoulders of Helene Proust, simple secretary of a newsroom. What is he doing here ? Helen committed a crime, he knows it but what ? Who is the victim ?

