How to subscribe to a stream ?

It is possible to subscribe to any section of the site
and receive directly on its browser the stories, the advertisements or the directory cards as and when they are published.

For example, if you subscribe to the category "comics" after clicking on the link ( comics, bande_dessinée), you will automatically receive on your browser all the projects registered as such by the authors.

To do this, on the page you are interested in, you must :

  1. Locate the RSS icon at the bottom of the rss page
  2. Right click on it
  3. Choose "copy link target"
  4. Open your feed player (Feedbro extension for Firefox for example, or Akregator under Linux).
  5. Click on the icon "add a flow"
  6. Copy the previously registered address
  7. and give a name to the flow (to remember its origin)

It is then enough to regenerate the flow (by clicking on a round arrow reload reload ) so that new items of the chosen category appear.

In the settings of your stream player you can create rules: storage in folders, audible warning, display on desktop... etc).

The files are in XML format.

It is possible to subscribe to the showcase, directory, advertisements, categories, genres, media, formats... etc.


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