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The site is freely searchable without having to create an account.

Before proposing an ad, you must create a user account and participate in the development of the site by paying an annual contribution of 20 US dollars.

The account information is confidential, it is never used by the site managers for publication or commercial purposes. However, the information given in the content of the advertisement does not have this character of personal data, it remains the responsibility of the author.

Priority should be given to targeted services for authors.

Each ad is based on a title and a clip of a few lines (pitch) prompting the reader to make contact. These two elements appear alongside a representative image in the overall layout of the Announcements page.

The service description is offered when clicking on the title or image.

The service itself is accessible via an external link. If no link is offered, the contact is possible via the personal contact form of the account by clicking on the name of the author of the ad.

It is possible to give an address or telephone number in the description but warning ! this information is visible to all visitors, including anonymous.

The ad remains active until it is deleted by the author or the author’s account is deleted. Please remove it as soon as it becomes obsolete. The number of ads is not limited, the time of validation of the account (one year).



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